
Very simple Vector implementation with add, add_all, get and delete operations using arrays of void pointers.

The downside to this as compared to simply using an array is that here we have an array of pointers, which means the data will most likely be scattered over the memory, not coalesced.

    File: vector.c

    Copyright (c) 2014 Leonardo Brito <>

    This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
    Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#include "comparators.c"

typedef struct
      void** array;
      size_t type_size;
      unsigned size;
      unsigned used;
      int (*cmp) (void*, void*);
} vector;

 *  @brief Creates a new vector
 *  @param [in] s          initial array size
 *  @param [in] ts         type size
 *  @param [in] comparator comparator function
 *  @return pointer to created vector
vector* new_vector(unsigned s, size_t ts, int (*comparator) (void*, void*))
      vector* v = malloc(sizeof(vector));
      v->used = 0;
      v->size = s;
      v->type_size = ts;
      v->cmp = comparator;
      v->array = malloc(sizeof(void*)*v->size);

      return v;

 *  @brief Doubles the vector size if necessary
 *  @param [in] v      vector
 *  @param [in] length expected increase
 *  @return success(0) or failure(1)
int grow(vector* v, int length)
      int ttlsize = v->used + length;
      int available = v->size;
      if (ttlsize > available)
            while ( (available *= 2) < ttlsize);
            void** buf = (void**) realloc(v->array, sizeof(void*)*available);
            if (!buf) return 1;
            v->size = available;
            v->array = buf;
      return 0;

 *  @brief Add a single element to the vector
 *  @param [in] v    vector
 *  @param [in] data
 *  @return success(0) or failure(1)
int add(vector* v, void* data)
      if (grow(v,1) != 0) return 1;
      v->array[v->used++] = data;
      return 0;

 *  @brief Adds an entire array to the vector
 *  @param [in] v
 *  @param [in] data   data array
 *  @param [in] length length of the data array
 *  @return success(0) or failure(1)
void add_all(vector* v, void** data, int length)
     grow(v, length);
     int i=0;
     while (i<length) v->array[v->used++] = &(data[i++]);

 *  @brief Get data
 *  @param [in] v
 *  @param [in] data
 *  @return index to searched data (-1 for failure)
int get(vector* v, void* data)
      if (v->used==0) return -1;
      int i=0;
      do {
            if (v->cmp(data, v->array[i]) == 0) return i;
      } while (++iused);
      return -1;

 *  @brief Delete data from vector
 *  @param [in] v
 *  @param [in] data
 *  @return success(0) or failure(1)
int delete(vector* v, void* data)
      int idx = get(v, data);
      if (idx < 0) return idx;
      v->array[idx] = v->array[--v->used];
      return 0;

void print_vector(vector *v)
      int i;
      for (i=0;iused;i++) printf("\n[%d]\t%d",i,*(int*)v->array[i]);

int main()
      vector* v = new_vector(2, sizeof(int), compare_integer);
      static int y[] = {10,31,99,3,7,89,2,3};
      add_all(v, (void**) y, 8);
      delete(v, &y[0]);

      return 0;